Category: unity

  • Vacation as Spiritual Practice

    Most of us are conditioned to look forward to our vacations. For some it’s an opportunity to travel to a new or favorite destination, for others it’s a chance to spend time at home, perhaps with family or on a hobby, and still for others, a chance to tune out. Generally speaking, vacations are about…

  • Seeing the World as Sacred

    Today I was on an online radio program hosted by Rev. Mark Gilbert. The episode will air in a couple weeks and I will post the link here so you may listen. The theme for the episode was the same as the topic for this blog, Seeing the World as Sacred, so you’ll get a…

  • Be of Service, Change the World

    Bengali writer, Rabindranath Tagore wrote, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. The Bible, Matthew 23:11, says “The greatest among you will be your servant.” Most of us have likely had the experience of what joy it is to…

  • When Is Right Timing?

    It is common to speak of right timing, but how do we know when it is right timing? Certainly, we can look at our lives and see that we are busy and perhaps based on that say that the time is not right to add something else. Or we could look at our own sense…

  • Where’s the Perfection in Tragedy?

    A friend recently asked me, where is the perfection in this recent tragedy in Orlando, Florida? My response was that any words that would try to explain divine perfection in that situation would just be platitudes, and there are no words that could describe divine perfection there. When we relinquish the idea of an all-controlling…

  • Super Consciousness – Taking It Up a Notch

    We have reached the point in human spiritual evolution where many may be ready to step into what I would call super consciousness. So many people are now intimately aware of the power of their thinking and their focused attention, and that their thoughts create their reality. Within that group there are further still many…

  • It’s the Law! Spiritually Speaking, That Is

    I am recently coming into a deeper fascination with the spiritual law of cause and effect, and the absoluteness of it in producing a result. Ernest Holmes, founder of the Science of Mind philosophy, said, “Our belief sets the limit to our demonstration of a Principle which, of Itself, is without limit…As much as we…

  • One Human Family

    The word family conjures up a range of emotions and thoughts, usually linked to our family of origin. Some of us have had especially loving experiences in families, while others have had horrific experiences, and most of us have had a mixed bag of love and good intentions, along with some degree of dysfunction. The…

  • The Power of Prayer

    In honor of National Prayer Day, which is this week on Thursday in the United States, I am dedicating this blog to the power of prayer. Recently I have reflected on the role of prayer in the Science of Mind philosophy, the basis of my ordination as a minister. The Science of Mind teaches a…

  • Random Acts of Kindness

    Somseva is an organization I founded last year to offer spiritual tools and support for those who are committed to serving others. The name Somseva comes from the combination of Science of Mind (SOM), the spiritual philosophy founded by Ernest Holmes, and Seva, the Sanskrit word meaning selfless service. Starting this week, Somseva will be…